Day 01– 75DaysChallenge

Sagor Ahmed
2 min readOct 17, 2022


Today was quite not good enough i started my morning at 5.00 am and 7.00 am started doing work today i learn veyr sample things . I agree that i have not learn good enough. From tomorrow i will eliminate all off distractions like watch cricket match & visit cricbuzz. These are the things i am learned today it was bad. From tomorrow i shpuld make my eveyr second masterpiece. I was also tired today.

Summary of Day 1- 75DaysChallenge Learning

  • Course (Coursera,Linkedin By Roshni )

Linkedin Marketing

  1. Become Influencer
  2. Linkedin Profile Optimization
  3. Follow industry leaders
  4. Monitization
  6. Direct Access To your connection
  7. Checklist 1: Optimizing Presence on LinkedIn
  8. CRAFT AN OFFER | When creating product/services landing page
  10. Build your own Network > SYnc
  11. 500 connection Target
  12. Headline Quick TIp
  13. Asking For Referrer to Referral
  14. Retargeting Profile Views
  15. Content Retargetting
  • Youtube
  1. If you take more actions you are going to achieve more results
  2. I need to head down on desk & work like a tiger


From now today, I will share what I learn every day for 75 Days Challenge. Stay with me if you want to know.

Happy Learning.

Final Words:

I hope this article helps you prioritize your life and achieve your desired level of productivity. Take action, apply them and win the race of life.


Thank you for reading my article. I hope you really enjoyed it.



Sagor Ahmed

Hey there, I’m Sagor Ahmed I’m a Digital Marketer & Web Developer. living in Sylhet. I am a fan of technology, entrepreneurship, and web development.